Posted by: Francis Koster Published: August 29, 2024

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Grant (Exp. April 18, 2025)


The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program makes federal funds available for hazard mitigation activities that promote climate adaptation and resilience to both acute, extreme weather events and chronic stressors which are expected to increase in intensity and frequency. The BRIC program’s goals and objectives include the following:

  • Increase climate literacy among the emergency management community, including awareness of natural hazard risks and
    knowledge of best practices for hazard mitigation and climate adaptation.
  • Increase awareness of stakeholders and partners with capabilities to support hazard mitigation.
  • Encourage and enable innovative, risk-informed hazard mitigation projects.
  • Eliminate disparities in equitable outcomes across disadvantaged communities.
  • Support communities through capability and capacity-building.

Through these efforts communities are able to better understand disaster risk and vulnerabilities, conduct community-driven hazard mitigation planning, and design transformational projects and programs.

Eligible Entities

The following types of organizations are eligible to apply for a BRIC grant:

  • County, city or township governments
  • District of Columbia
  • U.S. Territories
  • Native American tribal governments and organizations

Local governments must apply through their state or territory.

Eligible Activities

FEMA will provide financial assistance to eligible BRIC applicants for the following activities:

• Capability and Capacity-Building activities – activities that enhance the knowledge, skills, and expertise of the current workforce to expand or improve the administration of mitigation assistance. This includes activities in the following sub-categories: building codes, partnerships, project scoping, hazard mitigation planning and planning-related activities, and other activities;

• Hazard Mitigation Projects – cost-effective mitigation projects designed to increase resilience and public safety; reduce injuries and loss of life; and reduce damage and destruction to property, critical services, facilities, and infrastructure (including natural systems) from a multitude of natural hazards, including drought, wildfire, earthquakes, extreme heat, and the effects of climate change; and

• Management Costs – financial assistance to reimburse the recipient and subrecipient for eligible and reasonable indirect costs, direct administrative costs, and other administrative expenses associated with a specific mitigation measure or project.


Total Program Funding:  $750,000,000

Anticipated Number of Awards:  800

Award Ceiling:  $150,000,000

Important Dates

Deadline to Submit Application:  April 18, 2025 at 3:00 pm ET

Next Steps

Find and download the Full Announcement zip file by choosing the "Related Documents" tab in the horizontal menu.

Eligible entities must submit applications for this funding opportunity through FEMA Grants Outcomes (GO).

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

FEMA GO Help Desk
Phone: 1-877-585-3242

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