Posted by: Francis Koster Published: August 29, 2024
STOP School Violence Program (Exp. March 27, 2025)
This funding opportunity supports school safety by equipping K–12 students, teachers, and staff with tools to recognize, respond to, and prevent acts of violence. The program encourages initiatives that enhance school climate, including school-based behavioral threat assessment and intervention teams to identify violence risks, technologies like anonymous reporting tools, and other evidence-based strategies to reduce violence. Awards are determined by the Bureau of Justic Assistance within the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice and divided among two categories of recipients:
This notice focuses on Category 2 grants.
The following types of organizations are eligible to apply for a Category 2 grant:
The following types of activities executed over a 36-month period are consistent with the program's goals and objectives:
Total Amount to be Awarded, Categories 1 and 2: $83,000,000
Anticipated Award Ceiling, Category 2: Up to $1,000,000
Anticipated Number of Awards, Category 2: 69
Successful applicants also will receive free training and technical assistance from the National Center for School Safety. The Center has a clearinghouse of publications, toolkits and webinars on topics related to the STOP School Violence Program.
Applications must be submitted to DOJ electronically through a two-step process that begins in and is completed in JustGrants:
For additional information, please read the Full Announcement or refer to the OJP Grant Application Resource Guide.
Applications must be submitted to DOJ electronically through a two-step process that begins in and is completed in JustGrants.
For assistance with the requirements of this funding opportunity, please call the OJP Response Center at 800-851-3420 or 301-240-6310 (TTY for hearing-impaired callers only), or email
For assistance with (registration/renewal), go to Help Desk, or call 866-606-8220.
For assistance with, go to Customer Support, call the hotline at 800-518-4726, 606-545-5035, or email
For assistance with JustGrants, refer to Training: Application Submission, contact the JustGrants Service Desk at 833-872-5175, or email
For procedures related to unforeseen technical issues, see "Experiencing Technical Issues Preventing Submission of an Application (Technical Waivers)" in the Full Announcement.
Funding Opportunity Number: O-BJA-2025-172340
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