Posted by: Francis Koster Published: January 20, 2012

How to add Published Articles

{rscomments off}Publishing new articles can now be done through the front end, public side of the site for easier use. First you need to log into the site on the front end. You can do so by finding the Login box on the bottom left column shown below:

Once you have logged in, on the home page only you will see an "Administration" box. Click on "Submit an Article."


You will now see the page where you can add an article to the site. The first arrow shows where the Title goes. Be sure to change the Category to "Published Articles" for articles that are published.


The last step is to be sure and change the "Start Publishing" date to the date the article was first published (this is for the Index so that they appear in order). The article in the example was published January 15th.


Now  save the article and you are done. The index is automatically updated because there is a script that pulls the articles from the database.

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