Posted by: Francis Koster Published: April 22, 2009

Out of Classroom Support to what Occurs in the Classroom

Out of Classroom Support to what Occurs in the Classroom

by Francis P. Koster, Ed.D.

Out of classroom support to what occurs in the classroom.The purpose of this section is not to discuss how to make classroom education more effective. There are many other excellent websites which have well researched content on that topic. If you are seeking perspective and proven techniques to improve in-classroom activity, let us suggest you go to

The purpose of this section is to discuss all the many ways a school, (including its functioning as a piece of real estate, a bureaucracy, and a community institution) can see its contribution to the well being of society increased. We recognize there is not a clean line between in-classroom activity and those which occur in the evening (think PTA), or those which occur after school (think band, or community garden), because in these small examples the activity of the PTA, the Band, or the Community Garden can and often are integrated into classroom activity. Nevertheless, we seek to focus on successful programs which occur outside the classroom which have proven success in a cost-effective way. Here are some examples of topics for which we are seeking documented success stories:

· Improving school lunch

· Removing high calorie drink machines

· School gardens

· Before and After school programs

· Tutoring parents

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